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Deal Farm – Project Update 27.10.2021

Deal Farm – Project Update 27.10.2021

Planning Response

On the 20th  of October 2021, the project team received a letter from South Norfolk Council raising concerns over the extent of changes to the original proposals, and the implementation of the planning permission, alongside a request to respond to the Council within 7 days with more information.

The project team worked quickly to prepare a detailed, informative response to the issues raised by the Council, which was submitted and received by the Council on the 26th of October 2021. The letter from South Norfolk Council, alongside the project teams response (and legal advice) have been published on the South Norfolk planning portal and are available for public viewing.

In summary, the legal advice that we received and was submitted to the Council was:

  • The planning application was correctly implemented in 2018 – with confirmation from the Council’s planning officers that Condition 1 had been correctly discharged.  
  • While there have been changes to the layout – legal precedent has shown that as long as the “purpose” remains the same, a Section 73 application for minor material amendment is the correct route to follow (and this was confirmed in correspondence with the authority prior to submission).

We understand that the plant is continuing to gather significant public interest, and therefore we remain committed to corresponding with the Council and Planning Officers to find the best balance of approach.